How to close games and apps on your PS5 (2 ways)

This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to close games and apps on your PlayStation 5.

The PlayStation 5 allows you to run a game and a media app at the same time. You can switch between gaming and watching Netflix, Disney +, or something else. However, having too many things running in the background can affect performance. Below are two methods for closing a game or app on the PS5.

How to close a game or app on your PlayStation 5 method 1

  1. Press the PS button (PlayStation logo) on your controller.
    PS button on a PlayStation 5 controller
  2. In the menu that appears at the bottom of your screen, you select Switcher.
    PlayStation 5 switcher menu button
  3. Press the X button on your controller.
    X button on a PlayStation 5 controller
  4. In the 'Switcher' menu, you select the game or app you want to close.
    PlayStation 5 switcher menu
  5. Press the X button on your controller.
    X button on a PlayStation 5 controller
  6. Select Close Game or Close App.
    Close a game or app on the PlayStation 5 via the Switcher menu
  7. Press the X button on your controller.
    X button on a PlayStation 5 controller

Your PlayStation 5 will now close the game or app.

How to close a game or app on your PlayStation 5 method 2

  1. Press and hold the PS button (PlayStation logo) on your controller until the home screen appears.
    PS button on a PlayStation 5 controller
  2. In the main top menu, you select the game or app.
    PlayStation 5 top menu
  3. Press the options button on your controller.
    Options button on a PlayStation 5 controller
  4. Select Close Game or Close App.
    Close a game or app on the PlayStation 5 via the top menu
  5. Press the X button on your controller.
    X button on a PlayStation 5 controller

Your PlayStation 5 will now close the game or app.

PlayStation 5


How to delete games and apps on your PS5 (step by step)

How to hide games on your PS5 (step by step)
