How to change screenshot format JPG to PNG on a Samsung phone

This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to change the screenshot image format from JPG to PNG on a Samsung phone.

By default, screenshots are saved as JPG images on your Samsung phone, but you can make your Samsung smartphone save screenshots as PNG images in a few simple steps.

How to save screenshots as PNG on a Samsung phone

  1. Open your phone's settings.
    Open settings on an Android phone
  2. Tap on Advanced features.
    Open Advanced features on Android
  3. Tap on Screenshots and screen recorder.
    Open screenshots and screen recorder settings on Android
  4. Tap on Screenshot format.
    Screenshot format setting on Android
  5. Select PNG.
    Change screenshot format from JPG to PNG on Android

You've now changed the screenshot format on your Samsung smartphone.

Category: Android


Author: EasyTech